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Nurse Checking Girl

About Us

The Integra Health difference...

At Integra Health, we listen to people. We listen to what you want, what you need… how you prefer to have your health services delivered, and we work with our people to make sure that happens. 

We believe that people are the most important part of our business, both you and our people, from clinicians through to support staff… everybody is a key element in creating a partnership… a partnership that has become the best service delivery for health in Australia. 


When you walk through our doors, we’re bringing you together with people who understand and care about what you want and what you need, and who understand that you are in control… that you’re the best judge of how you receive health care.


So come to Integra Health… and see the difference.

Integra Health… connecting people and placing you back in control of your health
Doctor's Appointment
Meet Our

Executive Team

Co-Founder | Chief Commercial Officer

Martin Reukers


Clinical Director

Trent Baker


Chief Financial Officer

Rob Andrewartha

Meet Our

Clinical Governance Team

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Jane Doe


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

John Doe


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Jane Doe


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

John Doe


Meet the Board

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

John Doe


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Jane Doe


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Jane Doe


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

John Doe

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